Bravely Default II


Bravely Default II

Everything you need to know about Bravely Default II.

BRAVELY DEFAULT II – Bande-annonce finale (Nintendo Switch)

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Quatre héros, quatre Cristaux, une épopée légendaire. Rejoignez les héros de la lumière dans leur quête pour rétablir l’équilibre dans BRAVELY DEFAULT II, disponible le 26 février sur Nintendo Switch.

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We’ve Played the First 15 Hours of Bravely Default II – Is It Any Good?

Classic Gameplay. Classic Grind.

Preview Written by Zion Grassl

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Bravely Default 2 OST All Battle/Boss Themes

All Character Themes
BRAVELY DEFAULT II Original Soundtrack
ブレイブリーデフォルト2 OST

The English title is unofficial because it is the result of using translation software.
0:00 Normal battle 1 / 再び鳴り響く戦いの鐘 : The battle bell reverberate again
2:55 Monster boss battle / 生存本能は牙を剥く : Survival instinct reveals fangs
7:23 Asterisk battle 1 / 星を授けられし者達との戦い : Battle with those who have been bestowed with stars
11:37 Asterisk battle 2 / 対峙すべき者達との戦い : Battle with those who should confront
15:43 Asterisk battle 3 / 邪なる者達との戦い : Battle with those who wicked
20:46 Event battle / 火急の報せ : Urgent news
24:26 Normal battle 2 / 鳴り止まない戦いの律動 : The rhythm of a battle that never stops ringing
27:46 Asterisk battle 4-1 / 覇道の影で閃く審判 : Judgement flashing in the shadow of supremacy
30:21 Asterisk battle 4-2 / 覇道の影に傅く亡霊 : Phantom who serves the shadow of supremacy
32:46 Asterisk battle 4-3 / 覇道の影を蠢く魔人 : Arcanist who wriggles in the shadow of supremacy
35:35 Asterisk battle 5 / 覇道を征く魔剣 : The magic sword that conquers the supremacy
42:14 Final boss battle A / 焦がれ飛び出し濡れ堕ちて、 その暗闇に舞い上がるもの : Long for… pop out… wet and fall, that who soar in the darkness
47:54 Final boss battle B1 / 暗闇の操り人形 : Puppet of darkness
54:16 Final boss battle B2 / 暗闇へ堕つる叡智 : Wisdom that falls into the darkness
1:00:51 Asterisk battle 6 / 勇気ある者への試練 : Trials for the brave
1:05:31 Final boss battle C1 / 暗闇を見つめし瞳 : Eyes staring at the darkness
1:09:26 Final boss battle C2 / 暗闇に星を集めし者達 : Those who gathered stars in the darkness

Official translation
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Bravely Default II Review

Bravely Default 2 reviewed by Seth Macy on Nintendo Switch.

The sequel to Square Enix’s Bravely Default on 3DS (not to be confused with the follow-up Bravely Second) is a JRPG full of old-school sensibilities and tons of improvements on the formula alike. Unlock your favorite childhood nds emulator games galore.

#IGN #Gaming #BravelyDefault